Saturday, March 30, 2013

Jesus -v- Pharisees

Click here (DailyMotion) to view Jesus Christ Superstar's popular take the messianic figure's triumphal entry into Jerusalem... along with the tensions it created between him and the religious status quo...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Temple Jesus Knew

Click here (Crandall University) to browse an informative essay about Herod's massive Jerusalem Temple complex, including many excellent pictures and reconstructions...

What catches your eye regarding this ancient sacred-ritual space?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Early Jesus

  • Click here to learn about the oldest known icon of the founder, fully half a millennium after his life.
  • Click here to see an ancient fresco, a little closer to the original.
  • Click here to learn about a possible (miraculous or fraudulent?) ancient-contemporary version.
What are your own observations and thoughts about this ancient religious iconography?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Beautiful Book of Kells

Click here (Wikimedia) to access links for some gorgeous pictures of an early 9th Century Irish illuminated manuscript of the Christian Testament's Gospels...

Any art-appreciation that you care to share?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Amazing Daniel!

Click on any or all of the links below to view the close-calls that faithful Daniel and his friends suffer at the hands of the evil Babylonians:

Daniel 1 (the unclean food)
Daniel 2 (the king's dream)
Daniel 3 (the fiery furnace)

What kinds of purposes might such fantastic tales have served for their earliest audiences? 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Turn, Turn, Turn

Click here (YouTube) to listen to the famous musical rendition of Ecclesiastes (aka, Qohelet) Chapter 1 by The Byrds...

60's pop meets Ancient Near Eastern wisdom literature!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Blake's Book of Job

Click here ( arrive at links (both BW & color) of William Blake's famous illustrations to the Biblical book...

Which ones catch your eye, and why?

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Great Isaiah Scroll

Click here (YouTube) for an informative... if somewhat melodramatic... presentation about the priceless ancient texts from Qumran...

And click here (HebrewUniversity) for a wealth of information about the Dead Sea Scrolls, which include the oldest known manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ezekiel's Psychedelic Call

Click here (blogspot) for several artistic representations of the prophet's supernatural commissioning...

Any favorites? Is it worthwhile to attempt to capture Ezekiel's language visually? Why/why not?

Monday, March 4, 2013

Contending Over Ezekiel's Tomb

Click here (NewYorkTimes) for a brief pictorial tour of the reputed final resting place of the Biblical prophet... and competing claims to the site by Jews and Muslims...

Can you think of any ways to navigate such inter-religious tensions successfully?