Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pursuing Noah's Ark

Click here (Fox News) to peek into one of the ongoing disputes between scriptural literalism versus narrative mythology...

How might peoples' differing presuppositions about Biblical authority end up perpetuating such debates?


Anonymous said...

And yet another Ark is found... How many is that now?

I knew what was coming though when I read the link was "Fox News".

- Eric Dutton

Anonymous said...

This article reminds me of 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf', or Ark in this case. Its a bummer that guides are taking advantage of the "Ark Hunter/Enthusiasts'. Maybe someone will find it one day.

-Taylor E.

Anonymous said...

There have been lots of 'arks' found over time. So I'm skeptical to believe that this is it.

I believe that some people find their "15 minutes of fame" by claiming to find things in the Bible, such as the ark.

-Timi Miner

Dr. Paul Korchin said...

Indeed, there is an inexhaustible fascination for many people (just watch Discovery, History, and NatGeo channels) in attempting to get up-close-and-personal with the actual 'stuff' of the Biblical narratives. Somehow makes it all more REAL and AUTHENTIC, if you can nail down material referents.
