Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Crossing Paths

Click here (YouTube) to get a glimpse at how some underwater archaeologists are striving to correlate the Biblical texts of the Exodus (14-15) with supposed material artifacts in the Red Sea...

As with the search for Noah's ark, the guiding framework here seems to be historical/material = Real. What are your thoughts about such efforts, and about such interpretations of the Bible?


Unknown said...

Personally, I can see why these underwater archaeologists are trying to find physical evidence that the Red Sea actually parted or if it was an exaggeration in the Biblical texts of Exodus 14-15. The one thing that bothers me is the there could be other factors that could have cause the coral to form the way they did. I'm not entirely certain but I mean if we look at the forming of some of our mountains, with corrosion for example, or possible even caused my ourselves say in fishing incidents.

There's a feeling of an uncertain answer, but also a wide range possibilities that could have caused this. We are can't be sure. The only way we could know is if we were there at the exact time, in the exact location.

Cameron Mutchler said...

This has nothing to do with the article. I noticed sonething weird in Exodus 2. It says "God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abbraham, with Isaac and with Jacob". So far Elohim has made, tested, and forgotten about covenants. Not only that he only remembers after a while of the Isralites being enslaved. Its only when things get particularly bad that he really starts to notice. This is just something I thought was odd while I was reading.

Unknown said...

The fact the God 'remembers' the covenant makes me wonder- what exactly is God doing up there all the while? Is He just chillin' in Heaven not thinking about His creation? What is God doing in all His spare time?

I understand also why they are trying to connect the Red Sea to the sea being parted, but forcing it to have the answer isn't going to work. Oh we found one little thing, that must mean that it happened here! What is the sea being parted really was in the marsh land? I guess there's honestly no way to really know.

Anonymous said...

The archeologists are trying to find physical evidence at the bottom of the Red Sea which i find interesting. Wouldn't everything be gone since the biblical event documented was so long ago? Well from the video their seems to be some evidence from the coral structures which is pretty fascinating. But this could just be hopeful thinking on the end of the archeologists.

-Taylor E.

Anonymous said...

^ The above article/video shows how a sea can be parted by naturally occurring phenomena. So this means the crossing/sea parting may have taken place, and if it did, wasn't by a divine hand as explained in the Bible.

The artifacts themselves may be real and good and all... but the conclusion they could be gunning for (that God did this...) would be a glorious reach.

- Eric Dutton

Dr. Paul Korchin said...

Great feedback, folks... glad this post captured your interest. This kind of archaeological research raises all kinds of questions with regard to its preconceptions and methodologies. As with all purported (social-)scientific endeavors, the strongest archaeology is that which renders itself open to empirically generated falsifiability. Are these definitively chariot remains? Could they be something else? If so, what? Are there further tests to determine that? And so on...
