Thursday, February 14, 2013

Donkey 1 : Baalam 0

Click here (YouTube) for a humorous (yet generally accurate) take on the foreign prophet Balaam in Numbers 22-24... Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

This is a funny version of the story and would absolutely appeal to children. This is more interesting than the actual story its self. Cartoons make learning easier I always say!!

-Taylor E.

Cameron Mutchler said...

This has nothing to do with the video (though I agree that it is definently a more lighthearted version than the original).
I read ahead in Joshua and I realized that despite the apparent sillyness of how Jericho was defeated, Joshua is no slouch when it comes to strategy. I particularly noticed this when he beat the city of Ai in Joshua 8.

Anonymous said...

I think cartoons definitely make it easier to get kids to listen to Bible stories and either not question what's happening or get freaked out as much.

Timi Miner

Anonymous said...

This is way off topic, but I had absolutely no idea that Veggie Tales were based off Bible stories... or at least the themes/morals found in them. I used to watch these as a kid and it blew my mind finding that out.

On topic, though: this is funny and I can see how it would appeal to young children.

- Eric D.

Unknown said...

Compared to Veggie Tales, I think that this little humorous cartoon may show better results on educating children a little more. Not only is it accurate, there aren't exaggerated elements such as talking vegetables and slush cups as weapons. Overall after viewing this, I think that a child can gain some knowledge from this cartoon while still getting their attention.

Dr. Paul Korchin said...

Definitely a 'Rocky & Bullwinkle' flavor to this one, as its creator acknowledges. Wacky, slapstick, and yet oddly insightful!

Cameron, good observations regarding Joshua's generalship on the Ai campaign. Archaeologists still debate precisely where the site is ('Ai' literally means 'ruin'), but (literarily) it appears to have been critical for the Israelites in securing an East-West access point into the heart of Canaan.
