Monday, February 4, 2013

Mapping the Exodus

Click at the links below to view various attempted reconstructions of the Biblical journey out of Egypt...

What similarities and/or differences do you notice regarding the route(s) proposed? To what extent are the Biblical texts dictating these maps, versus other data?


Cameron Mutchler said...

There are some obvious similarities: They all start in Egypt, They tend to cross the gulf of Suez. Thats about the only similarities. They each take a different looping path through a whole lot of mountains. There is no clear consencius as to what path was taken.

Unknown said...

^agreed. They're all starting around Egypt but branch off differently. The start point is the same but the paths are not.

Anonymous said...

Its always interesting to see maps of the same area but from different times. I agree with the comments above, different paths are shown through the mountains. It is hard to determine which path would be a more likely route.

-Taylor E.

Dr. Paul Korchin said...

Good observations... the (very) rough path is more or less clear, thanks to the Biblical narrative itself. But the devil (if I may) is in the details!
