Click here (LATimes) to read about fairly recent developments in a case regarding an artifact that is purportedly linked to the family of Jesus...
What are your thoughts about such a legally, politically, economically, and religiously charged controversy?
Its certainly a interesting controversy. On the one hand forging ancient artifacts is morally wrong. All it really is, is selling fake products to make a lot of money. On the other hand its almost like a used car salesman telling you a car has "hardly been driven" only in reverse. Also, ancient is relative. When you buy a new computer it becomes ancient in just a few years. Ancient to a house fly is just under 24 hours. Ancient is just a fancy word for old. The definition of ancient is: belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence. By its very definition the past is no longer in exsistence. I could have bought a pen yesterday and called it a relic of a bygone era.
It's interesting to note that the bone-box itself almost certainly is ancient... it's just the inscription that's likely a modern forgery. Of course, to many, that inscription makes ALL the difference!
This is quite the predicament. After reading the story, I would have to agree that if we didn't try to check the authenticity of artifacts, we would be getting a lot of "the earliest writings" or "the Tshirt of Moses". Its not surprising that religious artifacts would be a big deal, considering that is what a lot of people go on for validation/justification of their religion. Tangible evidence makes the case, and the evidence is lost in time.
-Taylor E.
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