Sunday, April 21, 2013

When in Rome

Colossus Colosseum
Click here (UVA) for several neat & informative computer-generated reconstructions of the ancient city, both famous & infamous to the early Christians...

What might Paul & Peter have thought upon first encountering this pagan megatropolis?


Cameron Mutchler said...

Wow the details are really neat. It makes me wonder what it would be like to go there. I guess that their first thoughts would be "Wow this place is big,"

Unknown said...

I personally think they would have been in awe, because it's such a big place with so many people. It probably would be intimidating too. Unless Paul or Peter were crazy and just got excited at the challenge being presented by such a big and beautiful place.

Unknown said...

More likely they would be amazed at the massive structures and such a large population, but maybe there could also be a sense that maybe a bit of disgust from the Colossus of the Sun. Possibly thinking that some of these people worship this idol.